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Use the guide below to create conversation in your groups!

The Mystery of Christ's Return

Key Scriptures

“Men of Galilee . . . why are you standing here staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go!”
Acts 1:11 NLT

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14 NIV

Without question, this is the great mystery of our faith: Christ was revealed in a human body and vindicated by the Spirit. He was seen by angels and announced to the nations. He was believed in throughout the world and taken to heaven in glory.
1 Timothy 3:16 NLT

God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love . . . he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.
1 John 4:9-10 NLT

Start talking. Find a conversation starter for your group

What is one good thing that happened in your life this week?

Start thinking. Ask a question or two to get your group thinking.

In Acts 1:11, we see that "someday" Christ will return from heaven in the same way we saw him go. What does it mean to you that Jesus is coming back?

Read John 1:14 & 1 Timothy 3:16. With this mystery revealed to us, how does this change or broaden your understanding of Jesus?

Start sharing. Choose a question or two to create openness.

How has God shown how much he loves you? How does God see you?

What is real love?

Start praying. Be bold and pray with power.

"It has been said that we are to live as if Christ is coming back at any moment, but at the same time, serve him and plan as if it could be another century or two . . . and to not be fixated on the "how" and "when" but rather the "who" and "you" and being ever ready for the ever after."

Lord, help us to live each day, expecting your return and living as people who honor you. Thank you for the desire to serve you. Thank you for the motivation, the energy and the ability to continue on until your return. Come and have your way! In Jesus name, amen.

Leader: Break into groups of three and take time to pray for each other. This is important!

Start doing. Commit to these steps and live them out this week.

Do you have a daily "meeting" with God? Set aside time daily to meet with him. Sit in his presence, study the bible, and worship him throughout your week. This isn't about a "have to," this is an opportunity to meet with the one who is worthy of our time and attention. Try this for the next week and journal your experience.

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